Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bike for Change

Today marks 6 weeks since my kidney transplant surgery. I can start biking again! For those that don't know, I have made this process public so I can begin the bike fundraiser across Canada for Awareness of Organ Donation.
It's not easy whether you're in a life threatening situation or not, but it can still be a source of stress for family and friends.
People are afraid of the unknown, but once they do know, they can make an informed decision. I would greatly appreciate if everyone can support the cause when the time comes, even if it's by word of mouth.

The ride starts next year April 2016, no hurry. I'll keep you posted with full details in mid July. 
Britannia Secondary School, Apr. 8, 2015: First short bike ride since surgery
Light House Park, Apr. 12, 2015
Bike the Blossoms, Apr. 19, 2015
Mount Seymour, Apr. 21, 2015
And the rides will continue until (and after) I ride across Canada to spread awareness about Organ Donation!  Feel free to contact me if you want to be a part of the ride!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Recovery Begins!

People have asked me, "why are you publicizing this?  What's going on?  What are your plans now?"
Dialysis needle in the arm

I envisioned helping my mother over 7 years ago when she rejected to have my kidney; I had planned to raise awareness for living and deceased organ donation.  I didn't know exactly what I was going to do, or how I was going to do it, but I knew that in order to make it a norm, people have to know about it.  

I strongly encourage people to become donors because it can save lives.  My mother wasn't the only one waiting for a kidney, her hospital (St. Paul's) and Dialysis Clinic was packed every day with many others in her same situation, young and old.  They all have to wait somewhere between 5 to 10+ years to hopefully get a deceased kidney.
Last week of dialysis!  02/22/2015
Today is the 6 week mark from the day we had surgery.  It is also the day that I had planned the "Organ Donation Awareness and Fundraiser Bike Ride Across Canada".  It will no longer be this year, as I had just been told by the surgeon and Nephrologist that it was a bad idea and to wait at least 6 months.  

This has been a long journey that seems to have only begun.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Healing Process

It actually wasn't all that bad until I laughed and coughed, but still, it wasn't all that bad.  :D

Waiting to go in was extremely exciting and nerve wrecking.  
Me first!
Mama second!
One after another we both did our thing.  It was like a baton pass, but with a kidney!  There were 11 transplants that day, our surgeons had to do them back to back.

Awake again
Waking up in recovery was easy peasy, I don't even remember a thing!

Going to visit mama right after she was done is a must.  Not knowing was probably one of the hardest parts, because her surgery turned out a bit longer than they had anticipated. 

Mama rests
My daily walk to visit Mama down the hall
Daily exercise to keep the blood flowing and the body energized for healing.  She stayed over a week, where as I was out on day 3 of recovery.  It will take her awhile longer to heal up, because she is on immunosuppressants now. 

Week 1 - Extremely bloated

Healing process was a lot quicker than I had expected, at least from the looks of it.  They blew CO2 gas into my belly so the layers of skin, muscle and tissues will separate and they can go in to see my organs during the laparoscopic operation.

I was told that my incisions under the skin were completely different from what it looks like on the outside (pictures).  There is a cut from the middle of my C-section up to my belly button.  My artery, vein and ureter are clipped together with titanium sutures.  

Anyway, we just have to rest up lots and be very careful when getting up and lifting things.  

Week 2 - All stitchy and scabby
It takes 6 months to completely heal I was told.  We'll just all have to be patient.  

Week 5 - One of the incisions' already disappeared!
Keep your eyes peeled for the Organ Donation Awareness Bike Fundraiser beginning April, 2016.

Unfortunately my mother would not allow me to take photos of her incisions healing because she is ashamed of it (it's a bit over 6 inches above her right pelvic bone).  But she's healing quite fine, just a lot slower.  She's still at that bandage peeling state.